Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cultural Icon Research

Introduction: I picked Bethany Hamilton because she inspires me and she is such a determined surfer. That's what I love about her. She dedicated herself to Jesus Christ at the age of five and prayed to God for Him to give her the will and strength to surf the big waves. He gave it to her. Ripcurl sponserted her at thirteen and  shortly after her left arm got bit off by a terrifying shark. She felt like her surfing dream ended by that crisis...but it didnt. It just started. Now she is in the 25 top rank of the female pro surfers!
 article: http;//
            C summary Bethany Hamilton
Between bethany’s training, her journey’s around the world as a motivational speaker. She takes numerous mission trips to talk to old or young people in places where the economy is very low, and also teaches kids how to surf. To Bethany, surfing means the world to her, it’s the rush you get when you catch that one perfect wave and ride it all the way to shore, its so indescribable. She is on ripcurl team, and ranked on the top 25 best female surfers!

            B summary Bethany Hamilton

          Bethany’s notorious journey began right after she got out of the hospital after three weeks and went surfing. She never really enjoyed the lime light. She wrote a book called “soul Surfer”, which made Los Angeles times best seller list. She also won an ESPY award from ESPN for best Comeback Athlete, and a special courage award at the 2004 teen choice awards. Bethany shares her faith in God everywhere she goes, in the book she says “I mainly wrote the book just to let my faith with God and to let my faith with God and to let everyone know that he loves them, and to let them know just how much he took care of me that day.” She said, “I wouldn’t be here because I lost 70% of my blood that mourning, and it was kind of rare for me to even make it. I was just praying the whole way in.”
          In addition to the publishing world, Hamilton’s perfume bottles shaped like surfboards – debuted in 2005.  

                         A Summary Bethany Hamilton

          Nearly two years ago, a thirteen year old girl named Bethany Hamilton got attacked on her left arm by a fourteen foot shark. She was resting on her board, waiting for a wave with her best friend Alana by her side. On Halloween mourning in 2003 when this terrifying incident happened, Hamilton said “It was about a two-to-three second period and when it…was attacking me all I saw was like a gray blur.” Bleeding continuously from a gash that was roughly sixteen inches long and eight inches wide, she was rushed to the Wilcox Memorial Hospital.
          Cheri Hamilton had no doubt her only daughter would grow up to become a professional surfer. At the age of four Bethany were riding waves off the beach of her home in Kauai. By the time she was eight, she was competing in surf contest, repeating placing first place. Sadly a couple years later  the attack happened and Bethany felt like her dream came to an end…but it didn’t , it just began.

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