Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Using Personality Traits To Profile Literary Characters

Introversion and Extraversion

How We Get Our Energy

The first category tells us how we get our energy. 
E stands for extraversion.  E’s typically gain energy from their direct involvement with people and the outside world. I stands for introversion.  I’s typically gain energy when given the opportunity to spend time alone and think things through.

Extravert Characteristics

  • Doesn’t mind being in large groups and often enjoys it
  • Likes to know and associate with lots of people
  • Prefers social interaction to time alone
  • When confronted with a problem, typically likes to talk it out with others and get their point of view
  • Known to speak before thinking
  • Doesn’t typically have trouble thinking of something to say, and is typically at ease in doing so
  • Doesn’t typically have problems meeting new people wherever they go
  • May need to practice their listening skills
  • Easily adapts to social situations
  • Typically appreciates situations for what they are worth as they are happening

Sensing and Intuition

How We Gather Information

This category tells us how we take in information and what we choose to attend to when perceiving the world.
S stands for sensing.  Those favoring S prefer to take in information in a direct, factual manner.  N stands for intuition.  Those favoring intuition take in information looking at the big picture, checking for underlying meaning and connections with the mind’s eye.  S’s naturally think about what already exists while N’s think about what could be.  N’s prefer generalizing, concepts, theories, and ideas, while S’s prefer facts and tangibles.  S’s have a firm grasp of reality, know how things are, and are realistic.  N’s take pride in their ability to imagine and think of ideas.

Sensor Characteristics

  • Good with the concrete (what can be seen)
  • Likes to think about what exists
  • Realistic
  • Typically has plenty of common sense
  • Pays attention to and remembers details
  • Takes in information in a step-by-step manner
  • Prefers direct experience
  • Pays attention to their surroundings

Thinking and Feeling

How We Make Decisions

This category tells us how we make decisions and judgments.
T stands for thinking.  Those favoring thinking prefer to make decisions objectively with their head, through logic.  F stands for feeling.  Those favoring feeling prefer to make decisions subjectively, with their heart, based on their values and emotion.  T’s value justice and fairness, while F’s value harmony and empathy.

Thinker Characteristics

  • Wants truth and justice
  • Hard-nosed, firm
  • Decides with head
  • Naturally skeptical
  • Critical
  • Blunt
  • Looks at principles
  • Objective

Judging and Perceiving

How We Prefer To Live Our Life

The final category tells us how we choose to live our life and go about our daily activities - the kind of lifestyle we choose for ourselves.
            J stands for judging.  Those favoring judging prefer to plan things out and live in a structured manner.  P stands for perceiving.  Those favoring perceiving prefer to leave their options open and live in a flexible manner.  Judgers are organized schedulers who like to come to conclusions.  Perceivers are spontaneous improvisers who delay decision-making

Judger Characteristics

  • Likes to plan
  • Organized
  • Likes to come to conclusions
  • Prepared
  • Enjoys finishing things
  • Relies on schedules, to-do lists, and deadlines
  • Typically more serious-minded than perceivers
  • Sees and sets boundaries
  • Values a job well done
  • Likes to know what to expect ahead of time
  • Decisive

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